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What is with the bum thing? 


You have embraced a trend, on Australia’s beaches at least, of Brazilian briefs, thongs, g-strings, etc for your bikini fashion. But, as we all well know, the feature of these items of clothing is, indeed, your bum.


From what I have observed, this trend is particularly embraced and emulated by women that are in the final stages of puberty.


This is not exclusively the case, as there are plenty of ‘mature’ women that are wearing these bathers. And one need not necessarily be slender, or free of cellulite.

It struck me that the thought ‘I don’t need to see that’ isn’t necessarily true, when motivated by a certain disgust for what it is you are displaying. But it is clearly not disgust at your female body; I lived and worked women’s health for over twelve months, and there are not too many aspects of a woman’s nether-regions that I have not been witness to.

Nor is this motivated by a prudish approach: instead, my disgust and horror is at how you pawn (porn) yourselves in public.

The public does not care about you.

This is as clear on the beach as it is on the roads, supermarket, schools, workplaces, universities, and any other setting you care to mention. They disrespect you, often horribly so.

By taking your beautiful and precious body, and hanging it out there in public, you are actually offering a) an advertisement to other women to disrespect their bodies b) free porn for whatever flavour of male or female might be out there seeking to ogle without intimacy.


Your selfies that go on social media are porn. Whether you are soft or free or charging, it matters not. The intent behind it and the energy is the same.

Also, when you move in your skimpy bikinis, you are giving away the game.

Purely for the pose, for attention, for recognition of the size/ shape/colour/contour of your bum.

The emptiness in this movement is obvious. Bereft of any true sacredness, you porn your body and pimp your being.

Then, whatever you get in your general direction is what you get – you don’t get to discern or decide at that point whether you like it or not, whether you will permit it or not, and when it comes back at you in a way you don’t like, you really are in trouble.

It is this element that makes utterly absurd the argument of ‘empowerment’, or ‘freedom’. You are not free. Do not pretend that you are. Do not pretend that you are free to move as God intended, and if you don’t like the religiosity of that statement, then you are imprisoned and incarcerated in a cell of your own making.


The shallowness of those movements belie the emptiness in which they are made.


Perhaps you could consider why you do this/wear that in the first place. What are you hoping to get out of it?  What are you actually getting out of it? 

Where is the confirmation of you as a deeply precious being?

Did you abandon that long ago? 


Give up on it because it is so rare? 

Did you have a hard time or someone was cruel to you about an aspect or element of yourself and instead you have given up?  Parading all the poison you have absorbed from the world and the buffering layers of fat to hide yourself from the world? 


Where is the celebration of YOU, the being, and the adoring cherishing way the body can be held in that celebration?


Don’t know what I am talking about?

Walk on the Beach

This is an invitation then to Honour Yo’self – deeply so:


You are deeply precious.


You are worth it.

What is it that you are worth?

The untold wealth and richness of all of the Heavens.


Can you count all the stars in the Universe?  No, I didn’t think so.

If there was a dollar for every star, you would be richer still.


What makes you that rich?  The fact of that being where you really come from.

Do you really think we came from Adam and Eve? 


Or a random collision of rocks that produced these living moving things?


Or from single celled organisms that became salamanders that progressed to apes who stood straight and began to walk?  If so, where are all the Neanderthal men (and women)?

Planet and Moon

There is something missing in our lives, and this is a true and complete understanding of evolution.


If we do not know what evolution is – i.e. what it is that we are to unfold BACK into – we are simply existing.

And if we are existing, we are merely killing time, sitting, standing, living, apparently loving and parading our butts around at the beach as the rock we call Earth endlessly encircles the sun.


Where are we going?  Nowhere.


So look around. The planet we live on and in is an awful mess. It wasn’t made that way by the other animals, by planets or anything in the mineral kingdom. We, humankind, are responsible for that. We dominate the landscape, seascape and every other atmosphere on Earth.


We talk hot air; we have global warming. You really think it is just about the industrial revolution and too much greenhouse gases?  Wouldn’t that be convenient.

Instead, we could consider that we have a grand responsibility to embrace. When we embrace this responsibility, we are given to realise that every move we make has a profound impact. It can give others permission to drop protection. It can normalise the FACT that we need to heal. It shines a true light in the awkward mess to say, mmmmm do we really have it all together?  Maybe life ISN’T meant to be this way.


It’s okay you know. You are not alone. To believe so is actually a complete and utter illusion.

You won’t be the first nor the last woman to question whether what we are sold is this life is everything that it seems.


There is far more than meets the eye. Far more to hear and appreciate about everything that goes on.


There are subtexts, but these are the decoys that prevent being aware of the real subtext going on.

You are not to know that you are magnificent.


You are not to know that you are more than human.


You are not to (on pain of death, by the way, ladies), honour your cycles, your innate wisdom, your knowing, your universality.


But I can assure you, it is worth it.


But don’t take it from me. You can think whatever you get fed about me…

Caring Child

Why not start to care for yourself a little more?  Honour what you feel?  Act on that?  Drop the self-deprecation?  Give up on seeking outside of yourself? 


How about letting go all the things you have been taught and told about yourself that do not confirm you deeply as the wise, loving, and beautiful being that you are?

Now, what about going for it with the ways in which we have been told we are great, good, kind, wonderful, pretty, attractive, whatever, etc…in a way that confirms our shallowness? 


When those ‘compliments’ come, they are the very definition of back-handed, because they are actually retardants: they fall well short of your true and universal mark.

Yes, feel this. Allow the tears to flow. Feel that devastation that you have been walking, for most of us, from childhood. That has had a constant, ever-present impact on literally everything you do.


I know – you’ve been trying to drown it out ever since. All the striving, the driving, the seeking, the burying, the incessant distraction – but none of it works, does it?  None of it.

Flower Bud Petals

Nothing can dim the pain of not being the true and real you. That’s called the Soul, did you know?  It’s the best friend you always wanted, the part that carries you when you go off the rails…


It can’t rescue you and it won’t reach out if you don’t reach for it.


That reaching movement is not an external one. You can’t “look” for your Soul. You will feel it. If you settle, stop the (com)motion, the stillness there within will be where it communicates with you. Its voice will be gentle, quiet, barely perceptible.


But if you attune your senses inwardly, its voice will become a roar – a command that you then move, to its tune: the sound of Oneness.

This is the very definition of ‘getting it together’.


You don’t have to ‘keep it together’, as the Soul has got you.


You reach in, you hear its call, and you move to that, instead of being played like the dancing puppet you have become once you left behind the precious delight and simplicity of being who you truly are.

You are so much more than your bum cheeks; did you know that? 


You are more than your breasts (I know you don’t call them that, but that’s what they are – they are so much more than tits, horns, honkers, boobs, baps, etc blah blah, ad nauseum).

There’s more to your body than meets the eye – there is so much more to you.

You think you can be defined by your body,

or even less, by a body part?


How small do you want to make yourself?

White Flowers

Look up!  Look around. Look at this grand place we live in. No, I’m not talking about the rubbish, the abuse, the vile behaviours, the defiling of bodies – we have all had our hands in that (and our butts, it would seem).


I’m talking about the expanse of nature, the endlessness of the sky, the delicate beauty of a flower, the way the wind moves the trees, the tide on the shore.


Your physical body can be as beautiful as that and it is – when the animating energy is at-one with nature. Nature is beautiful because of the harmony that impulses it.

But if we are not being natural, if we are not being true to ourselves in our deepest, inner-most core, then we are not being moved by that same harmony.


We are in fact living dis-harmony. And lived dis-harmony fuels dis-ease. Dis-ease fuels all sorts of avoidant, distraction-type behaviours, and makes the world a far uglier place.


It actually makes you ugly. Yep, I said it.

Fashion Photography

On the contra, allowing the flow of harmony to pulse through your body, to move you (and your buttocks), you realise that there can be no harm.


There IS no harm in harmony. 


In fact, by its very definition, it is a concordance of sounds. The way you move creates a sound, that is appreciable by the eyes. You can see how someone moves – it tells you a lot about where they are coming from.


Whether they are hard, disruptive, attention-seeking; meek or mild, contorted or contracted, outgoing, overt or the other way around, all of that – none of it is in and with the essence that makes you you.

Not your peachy cheeks.


With love,



14 January 2021

There’s really no trick to it; it’s actually quite simple. You don’t need to do anything, look anywhere, ask anyone.


All you need to do is give yourself permission to go there, and watch the million and one things that come up to get in your way of actually going there.


Been there, done that. There is nothing in this world that can hold a candle (match, or flame) to the exquisiteness of you, simply being you. That’s the glory the world needs.

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