This site is written by Dr Stephanie Pommerel (see copyright), but it does not presume to provide personal medical advice. The information available on this Site is general information only, does not take account of your particular personal situation, and does not purport to provide advice of any kind whatsoever.
If you are having problems, physically, mentally, emotionally, or socially, please get help from a trusted general practitioner. Book a long appointment if necessary. Throughout life, there are challenges that benefit from sharing the load with someone you trust will care with and for you, in your true interests.
The opinions expressed, although integrated with evidence-based medicine, are my own personal opinions, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my colleagues.
You must obtain independent professional advice before taking action or making a decision about anything based on information on this Site or a third-party site that is accessible through this Site. See also the Terms and Conditions for this site.